Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Every One Has An Opinion Don't They ???

Who made everyone an expert over night – Strange – Dog whisperer is contagious LOL ! You can’t do the things that you like to do with your dog – like don’t play tug-o-war or never allow them in your bed or the best one is never ever give them cooked food cooked for humans !!! What a load of crap – it seems everyone is an expert these days.
The don’t do’s go on & On & On !!!! Playing Tug of War is Fun – Dogs love to have fun, It definitely is not sending the wrong message !! LOL ! Allowing your Best Friend to sleep on your bed is a matter of personal preference. Many celebrity’s Dogs are extremely well adjusted and share the beds of their famous owners. People food or leftovers – usually makes your Dog Healthier not worse off – that is if you follow a balanced diet.
Here is the Key – Like us Each dog is different and no two homes are the same. If you have followed the basics in training your Dog & your Dog knows who’s boss than there is no harm in letting him in your bed. !!
Enjoy training your Dog – the process is a journey – enjoy the Ride – And don’t listen to those annoying wive's tales !!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dog Tricks

Wow there is a wealth of information on dog grooming, training, breeding, dog barking and the like. Where does one start. Stop take a deep breath and make it an enjoyable journey - Don't try and do all at once. Remember Teaching or training your dog is a continuous task and look at it as bonding time with your best friend. Do not take it too seriously - Aim for results but remember enjoy the journey !!!

I will give constant updates to help you on your journey. As an Avid dog lover and having owned a few myself I do know the pleasure of loving a dog.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dog Training

Save time and money,
Learn the right way the First Time.

All dog owners would attest that Being a dog owner can be a source of immense joy and great companionship. However as people, dogs need to be well trained and socialized. All dogs must go through obedience training.

Obedience Training - The Basics

Obedience training' involves patience and you must follow tried and tested techniques. Basic training involves house breaking, coming to you when called, Sitting when instructed and of course walking on a leash without tagging or pulling. These simple tasks should make up the integral part of your dogs overall training program.

Handy Hints

Do not be overly strict on your Dog. Their will start resenting the training. Make it an enjoyable experience for both. Ensure to reward great learning - By being too strict and overly commanding is negative and your dog will not respond favourably. Respect your dog's behaviour and act accordingly at the initial stage. This would make it fun for your pet whilst learning new traits which will mould his behaviour for the rest of its life.

As Humans love appreciation so do Dogs. Always reward or praise your dog for a good performance. It is probably the most important factor and you must follow this religiously when training your dog. In turn it will make your dog feel appreciated and they will not only follow your instructions freely but start to develop an amiable relationship with you. All this will also cultivate good habits in your dog as it grows.

Never Never punish or scold your dog whilst in training. Punishments have a detrimental effect and conjour up negative feelings in your dog. Instead praise him / her for a good behavior achievements.

Do Penalize your dog. Make note that "Penalize" is not the same as "punish" here. A "penalty" may be anything that your dog does not like i.e. a leash jerk or just ignoring him. Like emotions in Humans, this would this would make them feel guilty and adjust their behaviour accordingly.

Reward is what works best.

A Reward may be anything the Dog likes. It may be as smile as a verbal praise, petting, giving special food, a toy or ball.

He is your Best Friend. You must know your dog, understand what he likes and devise a training programme which would benefit him accordingly. The time spent finding out what your Pet really loves will be well worth the effort as it will make your training effective quicker.